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Are maine coon dangerous 



- Are Maine Coons Dangerous? - Maine Coon Expert


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Are maine coon dangerous.Are Maine Coons Dangerous?


Though large cats, they are gentle-natured and pose little physical danger to people. Aggression in Maine Coons can result from poor breeding practices or as a reaction to fear, provocation or pain. If a Maine Coon is provoked it may become hostile in self-defense.

If you ever think a Maine Coon is riled, give it a wide berth until it calms down and you will be in no danger. For the context of this article, a dangerous cat is one whose temperament is unpredictable and may show aggressive tendencies towards us and other animals. These tendencies may be triggered by situations that would not normally be expected to trigger such a reaction or they might occur for no particular reason.

The Maine Coon is commonly referred to as a gentle giant and this is an accurate description of the breed. They are, indeed, a large cat — one of the largest domestic cats on the planet — and they are extremely gentle. They have this tendency to surprise you throughout their lives. Our current two Harry and Charlie, brothers are now 14 and have never been happier. Maybe Charlie is getting a bit slower these days but they both still like to play whenever possible.

Often when coming down the stairs which leads into this room they will just be sitting there, amongst their toys, looking at me. This is their way of telling me that they need me to play with them. So, the Maine Coon is a playful cat — it will play from the moment it arrives in this world to the moment it departs. They will jump up onto your coffee table and knock things off, for no apparent reason. They will play fetch with little toys that you throw and yes — they actually bring them back!

They may not be exactly a lap-cat but they will want to interact with you all the time. This is not a cat that likes to be left alone for long periods of time! They will follow you around the house and yes, that includes the bathroom. Well…no, not really. Actually, not at all — at least in my experience and also, chatting to a lot of other owners, they agree also.

The Maine Coon very rarely shows any sign of aggression, but it can happen — more on this later. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.

Manage Settings Continue with Recommended Cookies. A lot of people who think about getting a Maine Coon wonder whether or not they may have aggressive behavior.

Maine Coons are not aggressive or dangerous. However, some factors, such as diseases or bad husbandry, can cause aggressive behavior in Maine Coons. A Maine Coons personality features heavily here, making them the perfect breed for cat beginners. As there are exceptions to any rule, and despite the fact Maine Coons are generally gentle and friendly, a small percentage could show aggressive behaviors in some circumstances.

No matter how much you love and take care of your Maine Coon, you will forever be human, and cats need other cats to be happy. If you notice such behaviors in your cat you should bring him or her to your vet.

Seeing your veterinarian at least once a year could be your best chance of preventing this — it would be better for both your Maine Coon and the other family members, humans and non-humans. Hormones going crazy are one of the first causes of your Maine Coon becoming aggressive.

This is rare, but some cats can react badly if their owners change their perfume or washing powder. However, with prompt treatment, proper medication, and an appropriate diet, the discomfort brought about by these disorders can be alleviated.

Monitoring your cat's activity and overall appearance in combination with regular visits to your veterinarian are the best ways to keep your cat healthy and happy for its lifetime. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional.

Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. Question: What is the normal respiration rate range for a five-month-old Maine Coon cat? Answer: It's probably a good idea to consult your vet to see if your pet's respiration rate is within normal limits.

I have 5 maine coons 3 females 2 males who are brothers girls are 2 yrs old sisters Miah and Anja and Elektra star is 3 the boys Theo and Harry are 18morhs old amazing cats i also have 2 persians one long haired exotic one short haired both boys now 12 yrs old all get on so well together.

My husband and I have had 2 beautiful Maine Coon cats. The first died at 10 years of age from cancer of the lower jaw.

The other just recently died at 8 years old of cancer of the small intestine. Both were inoperable. I have heard that Maine Coons are susceptible to cancer but it isn't mentioned in this article. If your vet says your cat is fine, I'd trust them. They have to have a doctoral, they must know something. My cat is about 6 years old and is such a sweetie I say my "cat" but it is my partners cat and he is in love with him as I am,.

We took him to the vet and he said his blood work was good and wanted to hydrate him but I just am scarred they want money except he still doesn't seem like his old self.

I checked his skin by pulling up around the shoulder and his skin snapped right back. My 13 yr. The vet said it was a problem with his pancreas and could clear it up but further tests showed bleeding around the heart so he had to be put down. What a great companion. Very loyal like a dog. He even watched over our two dogs. Very smart and a great friend. I will miss him. I had a female Maine Coon, Shea, 3.

My regular Vet had never even mentioned it to me during any visit, I was so mad and felt terribly guilty she died such an awful death. Augh - I hate remembering that day and ho wit could of been avoided!

Now that I know what to look for and have adopted a new Maine Coon, Holly Thanks Ricky! I'm glad you liked this article and found it to be helpful. Enjoy your weekend as well:. Voted up, useful, and awesome. This is a great article Donna. So much useful information that many will need to know.

Quite impressive actually. A class "A" article for sure. I had never heard of these Coon cats before now. Great article and hope you have a great weekend.

